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Explore Recipes
Hire an AI super coach and land a job in 6 months
Don't rely on outdated advice. Follow a Career Recipe generated Ada’s AI and enhanced by human intelligence to achieve your true potential.
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On a mission to help 500,000 people achieve their career goals
New jobs are announced all the time, yet students and young professionals struggle to find a job because of a skills gap and lack of mentoring and guidance.

Our mission is to level the playing field, and help you unlock your true potential using a unique combination of AI-powered career intelligence, upskilling and 1-1 mentoring with industry experts.
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How will Adaptiv help you find a job?
We are committed to helping you achieve your true potential with end-to-end career intelligence from mentoring & upskilling to secure a position.
Get 1-1 career mentoring
Chat with Ada, your AI-powered career mentor to get a personalised career recipe, and get weekly guidance from an industry expert who will help you progress.
Acquire job-relevant skills
Follow a daily routine to learn the important skills needed to succeed in your dream job. Get exclusive resources curated by AI and validated by your mentor.
Work on a project
Apply the skills you’ve acquired on a professional project assigned to you by your mentor as a showcase of skills to recruiters and employers.
Land your dream job
Prepare for job interviews and get direct connections to recruiters and hiring managers.
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Unlock your career potential in just 6 months
Every one needs a coach. Sports professionals rely on their coaches to guide their technical, tactical and physical guidance. Even surgeons rely on their mentors to help them crack difficult cases.

So why not job seekers in other domains? Working with a coach will help you understand your limitations, and find a way to unlock your true potential.

Adaptiv’s 6 month program has been carefully designed to help you prepare for the job market through skill acquisition, practical application, and interview preparation.
Month 1: Get your career recipe & start learning
Chat with Ada to get your personalised career recipe based on your profile, skills and career goals.

While waiting to be matched with an industry expert for 1-1 mentoring, start your upskilling journey to acquire the necessary skills to land the job of your dreams.
Month 2: Develop your technical expertise
Continue your learning journey, and engage in weekly mentoring sessions with your mentor to get exclusive tips & insights about your chosen career path. Your mentor is there to answer your questions and guide you on every step of your journey.
Month 3: Build your skills set for job-readiness
Job-readiness is a combination of technical and soft skills. Continue your learning journey to improve the soft skills required for professional success: Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Digital Skills. Learn about the latest AI tools and emerging technologies in your field.
Month 4: Complete a professional project
Undertake a professional project assigned by your mentor. Apply your new-found knowledge in a real-world scenario, gaining practical experience.
Month 5: Start your interview preparations
Fine-tune your professional profile with expert guidance. Ensure that your resume and cover letter showcase your skills effectively, and master the art of presenting yourself confidently and professionally.
Month 6: Get ready to land a job
Leverage our resources and guidance to navigate the job market successfully. Get tailored assistance in finding opportunities aligned with your career goals, and land your dream job. *

* Terms and conditions apply
What kind of jobs can we help you get?
Innovation and technology have opened many exciting career paths in the digital economy.
Generative AI
Work for Generative AI Products
Product Management
Drive product success
Project Management
Lead projects seamlessly
Sustainability & Ecology
Eco-conscious initiatives
Craft compelling stories
UI/UX Design
Shape user experiences
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You are just 6 months away from your dream job
Don't accept rejection – sign up for our 6 month program to acquire industry-relevant knowledge, get expert guidance from a mentor, and land a job.
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What people are saying about us...
it is a very helpful and easy to use learning app, kudos to the Adaptiv team.
Winfrida Massawe
Have completed a few lessons on the app and have found those to be informative and useful. They not only provide the relevant info required to build knowledge on a topic, but are also quite engaging and easy to follow.
Anureet Kaur
I have had an amazing experience. The content on this application is very simple to understand and grasp. I would urge you all to learn here. It's an amazing platform
Laurine mtaita
Very interesting app, or let me call it a small educational institution, a lot of knowledge about Business management like about the matter of compliance, skills required for content moderation,...
Arewar mu
Frequently asked questions
What is Adaptiv?
How does Adaptiv work?
What is a Career Recipe?
How can Adaptiv help me get a job?
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