
Upskilling for the Future of Work

G. Shrivastava

May 17, 2022

According to the International Labour Organisation, more than 200 million unemployed people across the world today.

This, despite the fact that millions of positions remain unfilled — 4.6 million in just the US. Constant socio-economic upheavals due to political crises, COVID-19, climate change, and rapid advances in technology have led to a wide skills gap which will lead to astronomical losses in global GDP. But that’s not all. The last two years have also seen millions of people quitting their jobs (remember the Great Resignation) because of high levels of career dissatisfaction from working in meaningless roles, leading to burnouts.

Makes you wondeer why governments and educational institutions aren’t doing anything to solve this overwhelmingly huge problem. Well, they are. There are thousands of solutions available, ranging from upskilling solutions offered by companies, MOOCs and cohort-based courses offered by new-age universities, to job portals, and research and skills development programs launched by governments. Then why are we looking at these scary numbers?

Because all the solutions that we just talked about are time-consuming and often very expensive.

What students and professionals really need to crack the problem of skills gap and missed career opportunities is:

🚀 Information about emerging trends in the job market and skills requirements in the future of work.

🚀 Motivation to acquire new skills and improve their profile through a medium that keeps them interested and engaged.

🚀 Financial means to access upskilling programs and self-fund their career growth.

We believe that skills are the currency to the future of work.

Professional success and leadership will be decided by what you know, and not who you know, and thus our mission is to equip people with the right information, and the means to deploy their skills.