Dedicated to helping people achieve their professional dreams.
Young people need a platform that helps them make data-driven career decisions, stay informed about emerging trends in the job market, and upskill in real-time in order to stay relevant and future-proof their careers.
How was Adaptiv born?
“ I have always believed in the power of lifelong learning. A few years ago when the pandemic had brought the entire world to a standstill, and people were struggling to find their feet in an increasingly uncertain world, I realised that best solution would be a platform that would help young people achieve their career goals, by helping them discover career paths that matched their personal aspirations and the requirements of the industry, and acquire the right skills needed for professional success.

With that goal as our guiding light, we built Adaptiv, a peer-to-peer micro-learning and career intelligence platform powered by Generative AI.”
Geetanjali Shrivastava
Our story
Adaptiv is a French Tech startup, with roots in India, Our team is passionate about helping young people find their best professional lives in a constantly changing world. A diverse group of individuals who have broken every cliché about professional success, based in cities across India, and France, the founding team has worked in education, entrepreneurship, AI, software and design.

Adaptiv received the Bourse French Tech for our vision of building a platform that will empower the youth to fulfill their career aspirations and solve the skills gap, using AI. With a steadily growing user base from around the world, Adaptiv is poised to be the go-to for every body who wants to have a future-proof career in the new economy.
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