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Get a tailor-made career recipe in just 15 mins
Personalized career recommendation and roadmap based on your skills profile, passions and life goals..
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Why get a personalized recipe?
No need to spend hours researching viable career paths, or consult expensive career mentors. Our AI-powered mentor, Ada, will help you discover the most suitable career path, and provide recommendations and micro-learning courses to achieve your goals.
Personalized recommendations
Unbiased recommendations that align with your profile, strengths and interests to increase the likelihood of finding a fulfilling career path.
Latest industry insights
Up-to-date information on in-demand skills and professions, based on constant monitoring and analysis of labor market trends & industry demands to ensure career growth.
Cost & time effeciency
Use AI to process data and identify job opportunities & upskilling options helps save time & money spent in manual research and expensive courses.
Long-term career planning
Generation of a roadmap for continuous development and progression through micro-learning for a recession-proof career.
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How it works
Get a structured career path, personalized mentoring and learn through bite-sized lessons for a successful career.
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Create your free account on Adaptiv and start discovering the emerging career paths and skills requirements for the new economy.
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Get a customized career recipe
Chat with Ada, our AI-powered career mentor to get a structured career path for achieving your professional goals.
Chat with your mentor
Discuss your goals with an expert from our panel of mentors, and get ready for success on your chosen career path.
Get personalized courses
Your mentor will work with the Adaptiv team & AI to create a highly personalised leanring journey with micro-courses suited for your profile.
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